Bible Studies &
Adult Christian Formation

Choose from a wide variety of options at Christ Church Greenwich

  • The Disciples of Christ in Community (DOCC)

    Tuesdays, Sept. 17 - Nov. 19
    7:00 - 8:30 pm | CCG Campus
    $100 per person

    DOCC is a unique, transformative and inspiring experience which fosters profound connections as you explore your faith and look deeply into your beliefs. Each session will begin as a larger group led by one of our clergy, with a different topic each week, followed by breakout sessions in smaller discussion groups. Dinner served at 6:15 pm on 9/17, 10/15, 11/19.

    Participants need to be able to attend at least seven out of the ten classes in order for the small breakout groups to be effective.

  • Bible Study with Rev. Tim

    9:00 - 10:00 am
    Parish House Library

    Come to Rev. Tim's new Bible Study as he leads a conversation about The Gospel of John. With poetic language and mystical imagery, John's Gospel explores themes of light and darkness, truth and ignorance and it is through John's writings that we are promised the Holy Spirit as an advocate and guide for believers. Tim is a great teacher and runs a lively, upbeat Bible Study.

  • Terry Elsberry's Wednesday Bible Studies christ church greenwich

    Rev. Terry Elsberry Bible Study/Discussion

    10:00 am | Chapel
    in-person or on Zoom (
    link here)

    Joshua completes the plan the Lord had for his people to finally move out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land. Drama, excitement and God’s power on behalf of His Chosen make Joshua’s story one of the most stirring in the Bible. Discover the qualities that made Joshua an exceptional leader and learn how his leadership style can inspire us today.

  • Grief Support Group with Mary Cattan

    1:00 - 2:30 pm | Family Room

    Join a small group of friends in a welcoming, safe and comforting place. Together we’ll share courage and hope as we work through the difficult feelings of grief.

  • Womens Bible Study with Rev. Dr. Cheryl McFadden

    Thursdays through May
    8:30 - 9:45 am | Chapel

    We all seek joy in our lives. Philippians provides a Christian perspective on where true and lasting joy can be found,The concept of joy in Philippians is tied to resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. It will help us to maintain a positive outlook despite our own challenges.