Bible Studies &
Adult Christian Formation

Choose from a wide variety of options at Christ Church Greenwich

  • Lenten Bible Study for for Men & Women under 50

    Tuesdays March 11 -  April 15
    7:30 - 8:30 pm | Dogwood Mezzanine

    Join Rev. Tim and younger adults during Lent for a deep dive into Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. After Jesus, Paul is arguably the most important figure in Christian history; join us as we read his personal correspondence with an early Christian community that he helped found.

  • Lenten Lectio Divina with Rev. Tim

    Wednesdays, March 12 - April 16  
    11:15 - 11:45 am | Chapel

    The ancient contemplative practice of Lectio Divina originated in monastic communities in the 6th century and is grounded in the belief that the Holy Spirit is alive and active in scripture. Join us this Lent as we set aside 30 minutes to sink deep into our holy texts and connect with the Word of God.

  • Women’s Bible Study

    Every Thursday Morning
    8:30 - 9:45 am | Chapel

    Come to the Chapel and learn how relatable Scripture is to daily life. The discussions are fantastic, fun and the fellowship is outstanding.The class is facilitated by Deacon Susie McNiff, and the women of the parish.

  • Friday Morning Bible Study with Rev. Tim

    Friday, January 10 - June 20
    9:00 - 10:00 am | Library

    Join Rev. Tim for a deep, insightful, (and often amusing!) discussion of scripture. We’ll be working our way through Paul’s letters to the Romans and (first) Corinthians during Epiphany and Lent. And then after Easter we’ll dive in the Book of Daniel!

  • Terry Elsberry's Wednesday Bible Studies christ church greenwich

    Rev. Terry Bible Study/Discussion

    Every Wednesday
    10:00 am | Chapel
    in-person or on Zoom (
    link here)

    12 Disciples: Continuation of Ordinary Men who Lived Extraordinary Lives.
    Join this joyful bunch who enjoy listening to Terry’s spiritual guidance every week.

  • Living with Grief Support Group with Mary Cattan

    Every Wednesday
    1:00 - 2:30 pm | Family Room

    Join a small group of friends in a welcoming, safe and comforting place. Together we’ll share courage and hope as we work through the difficult feelings of grief.

  • “God’s Man For Today,” A Men’s Bible Study with Rev. Terry

    Every Wednesdays
    7:00 - 8:30 pm | Family Room

    Men’s Bible Study IS BACK! Gather to read the Bible together. Great fellowship. Come and make new Friends! In-person only.