Sunday Forums at Christ Church
At Christ Church Greenwich we seek to inspire a deeper dive into the mind and spirit of Christianity and the world around us. How do we, as Episcopalians, process current events and information, not only for our own good, but for the good of people in our lives and a global future?
All Forums are at 11:15 am in the Parish Hall include free coffee and light bites
Upcoming Winter/Spring 2025 Forums
Sharing Our Vision, Hearing Your Dreams and Desires for Christ Church
Sunday, February 2
In the last six years, Christ Church has added over 400 new members and now has a membership of 1,800, including many young families with children and teens. How do we maintain what we have and position our church to serve all of our members and our community? Join us as our Wardens lead us in a discussion and seek your input.
How the New Testament Came to Be
Sunday, February 9
Professor JanJan Lin of Yale Divinity School will help us examine what is the New Testament? How did the Church arrive at the edition of Greek that was then translated into different versions when we have tens of thousands of hand copied manuscripts? What about manuscripts that differ in the texts they have? How are decisions made about what is printed?
Eros and Agape in the Fourth Gospel: Jesus’s Interaction with Women
Sunday, February 16
Professor Harry Attridge, former Dean of the Yale Divinity School and one of the leading New Testament scholars in the world, will help us explore the Gospel of Jesus and Jesus’ interactions with women.
Embracing Jesus' Scripture: an Overview of the Old Testament
Sunday, March 2
Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker, Visiting Scholar, Union Theological Seminary
This talk would answer basic questions about the Old Testament - who wrote it - when they wrote it - where they wrote it -- why they wrote it - and how they wrote it. Slides would help to convey this information. This forum will be led by the Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker, Visiting Scholar, Union Theological Seminary and Biblical Scholar in Residence, Marble Collegiate Church. -
The Role of Psalms in Worship
Sunday, March 9
Composed millennia ago, the psalms have served an instrumental role in worship for Jews (and later Christians) since they were first set down. Joyful, plaintive, triumphant, desperate, hopeful, and occasionally violent--the psalms cover the vast range of human emotion. Learn about these glorious, spiritual poems and how they have formed the faith of countless generations in this forum with Rev. Tim.
The Face of Jesus through the Ages
Sunday, March 23
Professor Vasileios Marinis of Yale University will offer a visual presentation of Christianity in art and will start with the earlier representations of Jesus in catacombs and icons, then discuss how various Christian communities understood Christ through the visual arts.
The Gospel of Matthew: Forming Disciples in Tumultuous Times
Sunday, March 30
The Gospel of Matthew evokes emotion in dramatic ways to make its stories compelling for followers of Jesus seeking to learn about discipleship. This forum will be led bythe Rev. Dr. Carolyn Sharp, professor of homiletics at Yale Divinity School, who is interested in how preaching can shape Christian community via insights from biblical studies, feminist perspectives on power, and ecotheology.
The Triduum: Unpacking the Three Most Sacred Days in the Church Year
Sunday, April 6
The three most holy days of the year begin on Thursday night of Holy Week: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday (culminating in the great Vigil of Easter on Saturday evening) make up the Triduum. These three days have been marked with particular reverence by Christians from ancient times and their worship services are some of the most venerable liturgies in our tradition. Prepare for Holy Week as we walk with Christ from his last meal to his arrest and execution, and finally, to his glorious resurrection.
The Future of Church in America with former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry
Sunday, April 27
Join us as Michael Curry, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, shares his experience as our Presiding Bishop, his engagement in the Anglican Communion, which is far more conservative than the Episcopal Church, his outlook on the future of the Episcopal Church and church in America, what he learned while facing serious health concerns while in office, and how he kept his faith strong in the midst of tense and challenging times.
Then and Now: How Understanding Paul’s Letters Can Help Us Today
Sunday, May 4
Come experience a fresh approach to Paul’s letters that explores his 1st-century Roman world and its relational networks, and considers the intentional ways he chose his language to deal with the various problems he faced in his churches…many of which we still face today. The Reverend Canon Chuck Robertson, Ph.D. has served under three Presiding Bishops as an “ambassador” to the worldwide Anglican Communion and Ecumenical & Interreligious partners and author of dozens of publications.
Jewish Jesus and the Women in His Life
Sunday, May 18
This forum will explore Jesus' Jewishness and also discuss Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Mary and Martha, with attention to how portrayals of women vary in different Gospels. This forum will be led by the Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker, Visiting Scholar, Union Theological Seminary and Biblical Scholar in Residence, Marble Collegiate Church.
Sunday Forums Library
Sunday February 19, 2023
"Images of Christ through the Centuries: What Images of Jesus in Art Can Teach Us." Prof. Knox examines several important portraits of Jesus that speak profoundly about who he was.
Sunday February 26, 2023
A conversation about anxiety for all ages and walks of life. Anxiety was already a crisis pre-covid, but the pandemic has increased it exponentially, especially for students.
Sunday March 12, 2023
‘The Soul of Money’: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life.” Twist examines the harsh realities of a money culture that holds us back from achieving our highest potential and realizing our greatest aspirations.
Sunday March 19, 2023
Dr. Bickel explores of why disagreement is so difficult, how we can disagree well with one another, and how Jesus can help.
Sunday March 26, 2023
”Writing Music.” Our beloved Artist-in-Residence in Spring of 2023, Philip Moore, talks about his experience and career at Canterbury Cathedral and York Minster as Organist and Composer.
Sunday April 16, 2023
“Even Silence Is Praise” How do we listen to God in this noisy world? By getting silent, inside and out. This forum is on how to embrace contemplative prayer.
Sunday April 23, 2023
“Walking in Jesus’ Footsteps: The Trip to the Holy Land” The Rev. Marek shares their experiences of what was most spiritually moving and why, and show pictures of key biblical holy sites.
Sunday April 30, 2023
‘Environmental Stewardship is Not So New: It’s in the Bible.’ Prof. Mobley explores what the Old Testament has to say about sustainability and the interdependent web of existence.
Sunday May 21, 2023
“Ethics in the Workplace in an Evolving World” Whether you work from home or commute to work, workplace ethics can influence the way employees interact with people in an organization’s culture.