Youth Ministry at Christ Church
Pack Lunches for Food Insecure Children at Filling-in-the-Blanks
Saturday, March 29
9:30 – 11:30 am
Help pack non-perishable items to provide food insecure children with supplies for weekend and school vacations.
Location: 346 Main Ave., Suite 3A, Norwalk, CT. 06851
Book Study: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
Sundays, March 2, 23, 30 & April 6
11:15 am - 12:30 pm | Library
We strongly encourage you to join Josh, Tim, and Susie for this conversation about technology, anxiety, and the massive shift in how our kids are growing up. This book study is a short 4-week course that will encourage honest, robust conversations that will help all of us to support each other in this new world. Come to all of the weeks, or only to those you are able to make. We will learn from each other and hopefully learn how to better support our kids.
Our hope at Christ Church Greenwich is to provide youth with a safe community and a foundation of Christian formation. We have a rhythm to our ministry and give our youth the best opportunities to connect with each other, bond over life experiences and play a valuable role in the life of Christ Church. Every student needs peers and adults that care about them, accept them, and welcome them and that is our goal here at Christ Church.
Every event that we do has purpose behind it, all in the hopes of building a strong youth community. Everything from breaking bread together to going on ski trips, it’s all intentional.
Here is what our proposed season will look like
Weekly Events:
High School Youth Group, Middle School Youth Group
Service Opportunities:
Midnight Run, Filling In The Blanks, Harvest Dinner, Pack-a-thon, and more
Annual Events:
Ski Retreat, NYC Retreat Day, Friendsgiving, Christmas Party, Dodgeball
Special Events:
Yankee Game, Bowling, Kart Racing, Restaurant Takeover
BIG EVENTS Coming up:
August 2025 - Youth and Choir Local Retreat
February/March 2026 - Taizé experience: We have an exceptional opportunity to take our youth to Taizé in France. Our youth will experience a unique blend of spiritual reflection, communal living, and intercultural exchange. They will participate in contemplative prayer services featuring simple chants, engage in discussions with people from diverse backgrounds, and enjoy a peaceful environment focused on fostering unity, faith, and personal growth. This really will be a wonderful opportunity for the youth here.
July 2026 - Choir trip to York
Summer 2027 - Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage
Please reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or inquiries. I am here to partner with your family in this beautiful journey we call life.
Josh Barton, Youth Director,