Sunday, January 26
Choral Evensong | 5:00pm

Sung by the St Cecilia Choir of Girls. Music by Gary Davison and Howard Goodall.

Saturday, February 1
Organ Recital with Isabelle Demers | 5:00pm

A celebrity recital by Christ Church Alumna Isabelle Demers, who currently serves as professor of organ at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Admission free.

Sunday, February 2
Choral Eucharist on the Feast of Candlemas | 5:00pm
Sung by the Christ Church Singers. A Rite One celebration of the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas). Music by Victoria and Byrd. Incense will be used at this service.

Wednesday, March 5
Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist | 7:30pm
The Christ Church Singers mark the beginning of the Lent with appropriate music, including Allegri’s famous setting of Psalm 51: ‘Miserere Mei’.

Saturday, March 15
Organ Recital with Jamie Hitel | 5:00pm
Music by Bach, Sandvold, Pikéthy Tibor, and Calvin Hampton. Free Admission.

Sunday, March 16
Choral Evensong | 5:00pm
The Choir of Men & Boys and the St Cecilia Choir of Girls. Music by Stanford and Smith. The choir will perform Mendelssohn’s famous setting of ‘Hear my prayer’ featuring the well-known solo: ‘O, for the wings of a dove

Sunday, March 23
Choral Evensong | 5:00pm
Christ Church Singers. Music will include works by Morley and Tomkins, as well as Finzi’s dramatic ‘Lo, the full, final, sacrifice’.

Sunday, April 13
Stabat Mater - Pergolesi | 5:00pm

The St Cecilia Choir of Girls marks the beginning of Holy Week with this moving setting of the medieval poem ‘Stabat Mater’, set to music by Pergolesi. The girls will be accompanied by strings and continuo.

Thursday, April 17
Maundy Thursday Eucharist | 7:30pm

St Cecilia Choir of Girls. Music by Fauré, Duruflé, and Jamie Hitel.

Friday, April 18
Good Friday - The Three Hours

12.00pm: The Lamentations of Jeremiah - Thomas Tallis. Christ Church Choir Men and Teen Boys perform Tallis’ moving and meditative setting of ‘The Lamentations of Jeremiah’.
The Liturgy of the Day | 12.45pm: The Christ Church Singers present the Liturgy of the Day, including music by Victoria and the traditional spiritual ‘Were you there when they crucified my Lord?’ by James Whitbourn. Via Crucis by Philip Moore
2pm: Jonathan Vaughn plays Via Crucis, an evocative organ meditation by Philip Moore, interspersed with poetry and readings.

Saturday, April 19
Easter Vigil | 7:30pm
The Christ Church Singers sing for the lighting of the Easter fire and the first Eucharist of Easter. Music includes Mathias’ powerful setting of ‘Alleluya Psallat’.

Sunday, May 8
Choral Evensong | 5:00pm
The Choir of Men & Boys and the St Cecilia Choir of Girls. The combined choirs present Choral Evensong for the season of Easter. Music by Radcliffe, Leighton, and Gardiner.

Thursday, May 29
Choral Eucharist on the Feast of the Ascension | 6:30 pm
The Christ Church Choir of Men & Teen Boys sing music for the Feast of the Ascension, including Duruflé’s ‘Messe ‘Cum Jubilo’ and ‘Antiphon’ by Vaughan Williams.

Sung Compline Dates:

Sundays at 5:00 pm | Tomes Higgins House

January 12 & 19

February 9 & 23

March 2, 9 & 30

April 6 & 27

May 4