Pastoral Care

If you or a family member is facing an illness, hospitalization, death; or any other stressful life situation, please consider a Zoom or phone call or a personal visit from one of our clergy or trained lay volunteers. Please contact

To schedule a visit or a conversation, or request to be put on the Prayer List:

Please contact Jean Tredinnick in the Parish Office, 203.869.6600, x13. Jean can also place your name on the list of people who receive prayers during our worship services and/or give your name to a group of people who will pray for you.

Are you in need of some Pastoral Care help?

Would you like to train to be a Pastoral Care volunteer?

Testimonial by Parishioner Hilary Lea:

“I grew up at Christ Church, singing in the choir and attending youth group.  After I got married, I raised my children here and have been an active volunteer at Christ Church since 2001, serving on many committees, even chaired a few, and on the Vestry.  I have met some of my closest friends here, and gotten deep joy from the experience of service in our faith community.

After an emergency procedure recently, I suddenly found myself in a position where I needed others to help me for the first time . It was not comfortable for me to be so much on the receiving end, but I realized I had to accept it.

My adult children helped but they have jobs and busy lives.  Into the breach stepped my church community – especially the Altar Guild – who provided me with delicious meals for two weeks.  Calls and visits really help combat the isolation I felt, being unable to drive for a month – a lesson I hope I never forget.  Calls and emails from the Clergy were uplifting.  I felt my church family were 100% there for me in a challenging time and I will never forget it.”

- Hilary Lea, Parishioner