Christ Church Cares
“Jesus said to Peter, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Tend my sheep.” - Matthew 25:16
Are you or a loved one in need of conversation and support?
We are creating a sacred space where people can wrestle with life’s deepest questions—those that may not have clear answers in today’s world or within the structures of our society. Here, in the spirit of faith and fellowship, we seek wisdom, understanding, and the grace to journey together.
If you are in need of care or if you would like a member of our clergy staff to visit, or If you have a request for prayer, please email care@christchurchgreenwich.org. A Clergy member monitors this email address 7 days a week. We will reach out to you promptly.
If you or your loved one are admitted to the hospital, please let us know if you would like prayers and how we can help.
Would you like to train to be a Pastoral Care volunteer?
Join Rev. Suzy Post as we expand our Pastoral Care program to become “Christ Church Cares,” helping people get through a life challenge one-on-one, in groups, or visiting homebound people whether they are home from the hospital or aging in place. Help us share the love and show them that Christ Church Cares.”
"Finding God in Transitions"
A new group led by Rev. Suzy Post
Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 pm
Tomes Higgins House
Introducing "Finding God in Transitions," a new group led by Rev. Suzy Post, dedicated to guiding individuals through life's challenging changes— whether it's divorce, job loss, becoming an empty nester, or other significant shifts. Together, we'll explore faith-based strategies, share personal experiences, and find ways to support and help each other through life's challenging changes.
Questions? spost@christchurchgreenwich.org
Testimonial by Parishioner Hilary Lea:
“I grew up at Christ Church, singing in the choir and attending youth group. After I got married, I raised my children here and have been an active volunteer at Christ Church since 2001, serving on many committees, even chaired a few, and on the Vestry. I have met some of my closest friends here, and gotten deep joy from the experience of service in our faith community.
After an emergency procedure recently, I suddenly found myself in a position where I needed others to help me for the first time . It was not comfortable for me to be so much on the receiving end, but I realized I had to accept it.
My adult children helped but they have jobs and busy lives. Into the breach stepped my church community – especially the Altar Guild – who provided me with delicious meals for two weeks. Calls and visits really help combat the isolation I felt, being unable to drive for a month – a lesson I hope I never forget. Calls and emails from the Clergy were uplifting. I felt my church family were 100% there for me in a challenging time and I will never forget it.”
- Hilary Lea, Parishioner