Every day is a chance to do some good in this world. Everyone is welcome to help!
Volunteering your time, skills, and resources is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference, to help others, and to do God’s work.
Christ Church Greenwich has a long history of partnering with local organizations to help improve the quality of the lives in our community. Opportunities for involvement are available for adults and families.
We are excited to invite the members of Christ Church Greenwich and the greater Greenwich community to join us in this rewarding work. All are welcome!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
See What God Can Do Through You
Pack Lunches for Food Insecure Children at Filling-in-the-Blanks
Saturday, March 29
9:30 – 11:30 amHelp pack non-perishable items to provide food insecure children with supplies for weekend and school vacations. Location: 346 Main Ave., Suite 3A, Norwalk, CT. 06851
Breakfast Run
Saturday, April 26
6:30 am | Tomes Higgins House
Volunteer to feed 80 unsheltered New York City residents. Meet at the Tomes Higgins House at 6:30 am and leave at 8:00 am to caravan into Manhattan to deliver the food. -
Upcoming VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY for Messy Church Families!
Rev. Tim and Youth Director, Josh Barton are preparing an outreach program geared towards families with young children. Hoping to launch in mid-March, we will ask families to stay after Messy Church once a month to prepare 30 lunches for Domus, a Stamford organization that helps young men transition to adult jobs. These young men do not have the resources to purchase their own meals during the workday.
Stay Tuned! More details will be announced soon.
Christ Church Partners
Service provider to 3,000 women, men, families who are currently homeless or in risk of losing their homes, helping them achieve and maintain housing and overall stability in their lives.
Volunteer opportunities: providing monthly meals to women, activities for children.
Pacific House
Men’s shelter in Stamford long associated with Christ Church, which provides financial and other support.
Volunteer opportunities: providing meals and decorating for the holidays
Liberation House
Provider of substance abuse rehabilitation services in residential setting for women and children, as well as in another venue for men.
Volunteer opportunities: Winter and summer clothing drives, activities with residents and their families
Midnight Run
Organization which delivers food, clothing, toiletries to NYC homeless in two – four morning and evening runs each year
Volunteer opportunities: clothing distribution, assembling toiletry bags, preparing meals
Neighbor to Neighbor
Organization long associated with Christ Church, which provides food and household supplies to 400+ local families. The facility is housed behind the Tomes-Higgins House.
Volunteer opportunities: working shifts during client shopping hours, acquiring items
Hands on event to provide a designated agency with food to distribute to the hungry globally. It is held in the Parish Hall in early autumn (two hours).
Volunteer opportunities: Measuring, sorting food into packages for partner agency to distribute.
Harvest Dinner
Event held in Parish Hall in November to provide a special meal for family clients of Neighbor to Neighbor.
Volunteer opportunities: set up, decorating, meal preparation assistance
Filling in the Blanks
Organization housed in Norwalk, which provides weekend and vacation meals to 7,000 food insecure children in Fairfield and Westchester counties.
Volunteer opportunities: participating in packing events held at FITB’s warehouse, which take place multiple times per year. Dates for the events will be communicated, as they come up throughout the year.
Pivot Ministries
Christian based residential house and program in Bridgeport, for men in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse
Volunteer opportunities: Sharing meals and sports watching with the residents, providing gifts for those who are fathers to give to their children at Christmas.
Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Since 1988 Christ Church Greenwich has had a long-standing relationship with the Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro (DMK) in Tanzania, East Africa. Through that connection Endupoto Primary School was “born”.
Volunteer opportunities: Participating in annual parishioner school visit, to work with leadership to fulfill their needs
The Episcopal Church of Cuba
San Marcos Parish (headed by Father Gil) supported by Christ Church and the Episcopal diocese.
Volunteer opportunities: participating in a visit to bring supplies; help plan Father Gil’s trip to Christ Church