The Sandifer Cross
Created by local artist, Heather Sandifer, this wooden cross is complete with a nest and three stone eggs. Mrs. Sandifer named this sculpture ‘Caring Spirit’.
The installation is made from natural materials, a hallmark of Mrs. Sandifer’s love for the outdoors and plant life. “This installation symbolizes that life and death are intertwined; death supports life, and life must end in death, but the nurturing Christian faith demonstrates how death can be the beginning of new life” shares Mrs. Sandifer, describing her beautiful sculpture. She is dedicating this piece to all the selfless caregivers who put others first often without even knowing them personally.
Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be served, but to serve: Bless all who following in his steps, give themselves to the service of others: that with wisdom,patience, and courage, they may minister in his Name to the suffering, the friendless and the needy; for the love of him who laid down his life for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.