The Spiritual Classics Book Club with Rev. Marek Zabriskie 

7:00 - 8:30 pm                   
The Rectory

This season we will read five books that have touched countless lives. Participants can attend one or more of the discussions or all five. Register online. Beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served.

Tuesday, Sept 26: Purity of Heart by Soren Kierkegaard. Co-hosted with Deborah Royce

Tuesday, Nov 28: The Golden String by Bede Griffiths, a beautiful spiritual autobiography. Co-hosted with Deborah Royce

Tuesday, Feb. 27: I and Thou, Jewish theologian Martin Buber’s timeless masterpiece. Co-hosted with Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz.

Holy Listening by Margaret Guenther. Date TBA 

The Way of the Pilgrim by an anonymous Russian staretz or mystic. Date TBA