Vision 2025
What is Vision 2025?
Vision 2025 is a set of priorities, backed by funding, for building the Christian impact of Christ Church Greenwich over the next few years.
During 2021 and 2022, funding was raised to enable Christ Church Greenwich to provide extra staffing over a five year period. These staff members (which were beyond what could be funded by the level of the Annual Appeal income on 2021/22) are building out important spiritual programs, building the engagement of the parish in our worship and programs, and attracting new members. The plan is that by the time the Vision 2025 money runs out (2027) the size and engagement of the parish will have increased enough to be able to increase the Annual Appeal level to fund the extra staff added under Vision 2025.
The future for the Christ Church community is very exciting, but we need to have the resources to build our parish. As the community is fully open again after Covid, and in the context of the influx of many new, diverse, and young families out of New York City, we should deliver more Christian impact.
Building on the aspirations of our clergy, during 2020 and 2021 members of the parish spent time in multiple workshops and contributed to a parish-wide survey, to discern what the most important missions for Christ Church are, and how we could advance them to raise the impact of Christ Church in our community. The result of that work was an intention to invest in raising the quality and quantity of everything we do: our Worship, our Welcoming of the community, our Spiritual Formation for all ages, our Outreach and Pastoral Care, and our Digital Ministries.
The focus of Vision 2025 is to hire the necessary staff and to provide them with the resources to meet the needs and aspirations of the Greenwich community. The 2025 Vision and Plan focuses on five key initiative areas:
i. Worship
ii. Spiritual Formation
iii. Outreach & Engagement
iv. Fellowship & Welcome
v. Our Digital Future
These initiative areas reinforce each other – progress in one area will support progress in another.