Creation care committee, stewards of the Earth, Christ Church Greenwich, CT


God saw every living thing that was made, and indeed, it was very good.

- Genesis 1:31

Many of us have had peak religious moments in nature when we encounter God’s cathedral in its widest sense, in surrounding landscapes or sunsets. The outdoors is indeed the handiwork of God. Climate change and global warming are now affecting all of creation.

The world is at risk. How can we, as Christians, become active stewards of the Earth as God has asked us to do?

VOLUNTEER with the Landscape Committee:
Help with short term projects and to collaborate on long term planning of the campus.
Contact Karen Royce or Stewart Lindsay


We invite all interested members of Christ Church to join the new Creation Care Committee. Our parish is striving to be proactive as compassionate, responsible Christians and stewards of the Earth. The Committee will collaborate to identify and act on how we can become more sustainable in our personal lives, on our campus, and to influence a greener Greenwich and beyond.

If you would like to be on the committee or for more information, please contact Karen Royce or Stewart Lindsay


We identified and removed invasive plants, looked for good ideas to advance the environmental health of Christ Church, and enjoyed fellowship and time in nature. 

Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT
Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT
Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT
Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT
Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT
Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT
Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT

The Creation Care Bible Challenge

Edited by our Rector, Marek Zabriskie

Winner of a 2023 Illumination Award for Bible Study!

Join farmers, scientists, theologians, conservationists and clergy in exploring ways that we can be faithful, loving stewards of the earth and all of its riches.

Featuring fifty days of reflections by spiritual leaders and writers from around the world, The Creation Care Bible Challenge is an extension of The Bible Challenge, a global initiative to encourage daily engagement with scripture and an exploration of the Word of God.


Marc Andrus, Jim Antal, Gabrie’l J. Atchison, Harold W. Attridge, Dave Bookless, Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Jenny Rose Carey, Tom Chappell, Shaun Cozett, Jenny Te Paa Daniel, C. Andrew Doyle, Manuel Ernesto, Rachel Field, Jeff Golliher, Karena Gore, Jerusalem Greer, Fletcher Harper, Katharine Hayhoe, Delia Heck, Margot R Hodson, Martin J. Hodson, Stephanie Johnson, Mike Kinman, Bill Lupfer, Rachel Mash, Gregory Mobley, Kate Moorehead, Jacynthia Murphy, Nicholas Knisely, Te Kitohi Pikaahu, Nicholas T. Porter, James Prosek, Robert W. Radtke, Anne Rowthorn, Jeffery Rowthorn, Anita Louise Schell, Jay Sidebotham, Matthew Sleeth, Jane L. Snowdon, Stephanie Spellers, Andrew Sumani, Masango Roderick Warakula, Malcolm Clemens Young, Marek P. Zabriskie

Creation Care campus eco-cleanup at Christ Church Greenwich, CT

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