Nicole Zasowski

Nicole Zasowski is a marriage and family therapist, speaker, and author of two books: What If It’s Wonderful? and From Lost to Found, and two academic books: Advances and Techniques in Restoration Therapy and Families and Forgiveness 2nd Edition. In addition to her private psychotherapy practice in Greenwich, CT, Nicole has served as an adjunct professor at Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, New York, and as a therapist on staff for The Hideaway Experience: A marriage intensive experience in Amarillo, Texas. On most days, rain or shine, sleet or snow, Nicole can be found on the Connecticut seashore looking for sea glass with her husband and three young children.

What If It’s Wonderful?: Finding the Courage to Embrace Joy

Joy is a vulnerable feeling. Maybe you’re afraid to hope because you might be left heartbroken. Perhaps you feel afraid to dream because you might be disappointed. Or, maybe past hurt has left you afraid to trust God. When you’ve endured pain, it can feel safer not to celebrate than to embrace joy that might break. Yet, God promises that in His economy, joy is a gift that is safe to celebrate in all circumstances. With insights from current psychological research and biblical truth, discover practical things you can do today to move through the vulnerability of joy and find the courage to embrace joy.