Alicia Robbins, MD, NCMP 

Alicia Robbins is a board certified OBGYN, Lifestyle Medicine and certified Menopause Physician who completed medical school and residency in NYC at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital. While at Mount Sinai she received several teaching awards. She then moved to Greenwich, CT where she worked for 5 years performing obstetrics and surgery at Greenwich Hospital. After realizing the need for personalized gynecologic care, she opened her practice The Elm which specializes in gynecology, hormones, perimenopause, menopause and lifestyle medicine. She is passionate about the intersection of women's health and wellness and helping women feel their best.

Women's Midlife Health: Why These Decades are So Important

On March 2, Dr. Robbins will be discussing evidence based Lifestyle Medicine specific for women in midlife. She will provide knowledge and practical tips in order to optimize your health, prevent future disease and feel your best.