Funerals at Christ Church

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4

Funerals and grieving are important for Episcopalians as they provide an opportunity to honor the deceased and offer comfort and support to their loved ones. They also serve as a reminder of the hope and promise of eternal life in Christ.

The feelings of sorrow and grief that we experience at our loved ones passing are real and powerful. The parish community mourns with those who are mourning, even as we celebrate the lives of those who died “in joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love.”

The Church offers ministries of support and care for those near death and for their families. The death of any member of the congregation should be reported as soon as possible to the parish clergy so that we can support you and your family.

Please call the Parish Office at (203) 869.6600 X 13 or email Jean Tredinnick at We will respond quickly and can help you with clergy support and guidance. You do not have to feel like you are alone on this journey.

In addition to Pastoral Care, we can help with funeral arrangements.

Parishioners of Christ Church Greenwich are encouraged to plan thoughtfully and prayerfully for their own mortality which eases the stress on families and allows for gracious giving to charitable causes including Christ Church Greenwich.

Parishioners who wish to prepare their funeral plan to be kept on file at the Parish Office should contact Jean Tredinnick to set up a meeting with a member of the clergy staff, 203.869.6600, X 13.

If you have lost a loved one and wish to make a gift to Christ Church in his or her memory, click below for more information.

Cross and fall leaves in graveyard, Christ Church Greenwich, CT
cemetary, Christ Church Greenwich, CT


The Arbor Society: Gift Planning to be Faithful Stewards of your gifts.

Consider the future of Christ Church Greenwich. As you reflect on the many special events in your life, how many were affiliated with church? Perhaps you were baptized, attended Sunday School, were part of a youth group, were confirmed, assisted with outreach such as volunteering in a soup kitchen or delivering clothes to the homeless in your city, were part of a Bible Study or book study, a men’s group or women’s group. Perhaps you were married in church or experienced a memorial service or funeral or served on the Altar Guild or as a Verger. 

Life is made up of many things and many occur around the body of Christ in church.

Christ Church Greenwich offers you the opportunity to celebrate your relationship with our parish and the community we share together by becoming a member of the estate planning component of our community which is the Arbor Society. If you think about how much of your life has been enhanced by our beautiful and meaningful worship services and so much else, please consider putting Christ Church Greenwich in your will or estate plans. This can be done in numerous ways such as including Christ Church Greenwich in a will, trust, retirement plan, insurance policy, or life income gift. Allocating IRA distributions up to $100,000.00 annually can be tax beneficial. 

Your intentions are important and can greatly benefit our endowment. Making plans now and informing the Stewardship Office creates membership in the Arbor Society and assist in ensuring the future of our beloved parish.

To find out what the best approach is for you, please consult your tax advisor, accountant or lawyer. Chairman of the Arbor Society Advisory Committee and long-time church member, Chip Skinner, would be pleased to speak with you as would Susan Kelly, Director of Planned Giving; 203-869-6600 EXT. 18